Children’s Ministries

It’s important that our kids feel that they have a spot in the church! Our teachers and workers strive to help provide that sense of belonging to every child who attends.

Our church nursery is provided on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings for children 0-3 years old.

We have Children’s classes for all kids age 4 through the 6th grade; these take place every Sunday morning during the 10:30AM service.

Awana meets Wednesdays during the school year from 6pm-7:30pm. We have a Sparks and a T&T Program for kids age 4 through the 6th grade. find out more about our Awana program here.

We also have teen class every Wednesday evening at 6:00pm, with occasional teen events throughout the month.

We would love to have you and your children join us!

Iglesia Bautista de Fe

Pastor Jesus Hernandez leads Igelsia Bautista de Fe, our Spanish speaking church for the Yuma Community. It is a privilege to be able to present the Word of God in Spanish to the community of Yuma County. If you are looking for a Spanish service, we would love to see you!

Join Pastor Jesus Hernandez every Sunday morning at 10:30am or every Thursday evening at 6:00pm for our weekly Spanish service.

Faith Bible Institute

We love to be able to offer Faith Bible Institute classes for anyone who is intersted! We meet every Tuesday evening from 5:00-8:00pm during the school year. Here is a description of the course directly from the Institute’s website:

Faith Bible Institute (FBI) is a Bible college course for every Christian. Students will study chronologically through the ENTIRE BIBLE and systematically through every major doctrine. Yet, basic classes meet only 1 evening each week. FBI combines solid Bible teaching with an interactive DVD Video format utilizing student workbooks, charts, 3D maps and images to produce a unique and engaging learning experience. Join the over 50,000 students who have been trained through Faith Bible Institute.

Community Outreach

We strive to serve the city of Yuma through regular community outreach events. God is working all around us and has called us to be an active part of His mission.

Some of our weekly outreach events include our care ministry, our nursing home services, and our bus routes, as well as others. Our care ministry is how we are able to keep in touch and take care of those who are unable to make it to our services on a weekly basis or who are in need of some help, whether that’s because of health or another reason. We love being able to let those we don’t see as often know that we care about them and are thinking of them. Our nursing home services take place every Thursday afternoon at Emerald Springs. These services allow the residents to attend a weekly church service as well as have a church family who cares about them. Our bus routes run every Sunday morning and Wednesday evening to pick up kids and families alike who need a ride to church!

If you would like dates for any of our other events, visit our calendar!


We strive to be very active in our Yuma community, but we also have a heart for the rest of the world. We are privileged to be able to support numerous missionaries to mission fields all over the globe. We set aside time as a church to pray for each family we support, read updates they have sent, and send letters letting them know we are thinking and praying for them. It is a joy to be a small part of the ministries that are growing in communities we’ve never even been to!