Scientific & Biblical Creationism

Starting June 20th, we will be hosting an 8-week class to answer your questions about the Creation/Evolution debate, the dinosaurs, the Flood, the age of the Earth, the fossil record, the gap theory, the canopy theory and the origin of man. A great course to help you strengthen and defend your faith.

Instructor: Dr. John Yates: No controversy today is as crucial as the Creation/Evolution Debate. Our children are being brainwashed with Evolutionary dogma from preschool age and up. Our public schools, science programs on television, museums, and the popular media have combined forces to strip away all belief in a Creator. Churches, parents, and all concerned Christians must be equipped with real answers when children, youth and college groups, Sunday School students, or adults ask for answers on origins. Evolutionists are cutting away at the foundation of the Bible and are thereby destroying an entire generation’s faith in the moral teachings, miracles, warnings of judgment, and salvation message of the Bible. Millions of Christians (perhaps even you) have been infected by dangerous compromises with Theistic Evolution and the Day Age Theory because of a lack of solid answers to their questions about Evolution. In response to this desperate need and the many requests we have received for information on this subject, Faith Bible Institute has launched this elective course.

Total cost of this college level class is only $60 before May 19th. If interested, pick up an application form in the info center.

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